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Specialist support for Z Software Pharmacy management software.

Z Software and GZD are long-time partners in the Pharmacy software and support industry. We offer a wealth of expertise for any jobs related to the setup and running of Z Software's reliable, customisable and user-focused Pharmacy POS & Dispense package.

The Z Software suite includes Z Register, Z Dispense, and Z Office. A fully integrated suite designed to make sales, dispensing and management a hassle-free process from start to finish. Z Register offers personalised, streamlined till layouts and complete integration with Z Dispense for scripts and PBS rejections. Z Dispense provides your Pharmacy with a wide range of tools and integrations to keep dosing reliable, safe and fast. Z Office makes ordering simple, stock control efficient and reporting helps you get the most from your business.

GZD are proud to offer support for the Z Software Pharmacy software suite. If you want to learn more please see our friends at their website!

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